It is hard to miss hearing about all the oil train fires and explosions happening all across North America.
This map is from the WA Oil Transport Study that was just completed | Read more.
On March 7th Rob Davis of the Oregonian published a new story entitled 4 Oil Train Accidents in 3 Weeks. In it he provides details and links to each accident and news that a legislative bill is being introduced the state house by Rep. Barbara Warner (HB3225) to require the levy of an assessment for trains moving through Oregon for spill readiness and first responder needs. Senator Wyden to OBM and WA_Senator have both taken action recently at the federal level on oil train safety.
Take Action:
Join the Friends of the Gorge in letting the Army Corps and our federal delegation know that the federal government should take a hard look at the impact of shipping explosive, dirty oil through the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area to the largest oil-by-rail terminal proposed in the United States.