Introductions to Climate Change
Climate change is a highly complex and increasingly urgent crisis that encompasses moral, scientific, technological, economic, and governance dimensions and demands significant shifts in mankind’s behaviors. This short presentation is an effort to succinctly summarize the current status and implications.
Books: Paul Gilding’s The Great Disruption is an excellent discussion of the history, status, and options of climate change and related dimensions of sustainability.
News Websites
Climate Progress,, Morning Climate, Daily Climate, Climate News Network, Climate Central, and Grist are global climate news websites.
Sightline Institute has news and research on climate topics in the Northwest
Climate Solutions’ ClimateCast has climate news related to the Northwest
Climate Change is Simple is a concise, 15-minute TED talk (2012) about the dangers of climate change.
The unusual stability of the planet’s climate is explained in this 3-minute video.