As Oregonians we still get one third of our energy from coal plants, many of them located out-of-state. A whopping two thirds of utility company Pacific Power’s energy comes from coal plants. In this New Year let’s make a resolution here in Oregon: Let’s commit to transitioning from coal — a 19th century fossil fuel – to clean, renewable energy like wind and solar by 2025.
Take Action: Send a quick message to your legislator today and urge them to lead Oregon toward a clean energy transition.
Not only is coal the single biggest air polluter in the US and a leading cause of climate disruption, but continuing to invest in coal is putting customers at risk of further electricity price increases as the cost of coal power rises across the country.
We have an obligation — and an incredible opportunity — to end our dependence on dirty coal and bring more clean energy jobs to Oregon. Clean energy like wind and solar has already brought $9 billion of investment and 5,000 long-term jobs to Oregon, supporting local communities across the state.
Take Action: Tell Oregon decision makers to support legislation that will transition Oregon beyond coal to clean energy by 2025.
With your help we will protect our climate and create local jobs. More about Oregon Coal to Clean Campaign.