Hood River City Council Passes Resolution Opposing Coal and Oil Transport
By Kirby Neumann-Rea, Hood River News. Published on December 9, 2014.Citing threats to public safety and the Gorge economy, Hood River City Council passed a resolution Monday calling for a ban on coal and oil transports through the Gorge.
Councilor Kate McBride drafted the resolution, with input from the Columbia Gorge Climate Action Network, which had several members present at Monday’s meeting.
“The city supports economic growth that does not jeopardize the City of Hood River’s commitment to fight the serious impacts of climate change,” states the first “Be It Resolved” of the detailed, five-page resolution.
The resolution notes that “because the rail alignment runs through our downtown area, the impact of existing and proposed oil trains is potentially catastrophic in terms of loss of life and devastation of the City of Hood River community, environment and economy.”
Read the whole article from the Hood River News.