Impressive list of victories by the fossil fuel resistance in the Northwest

Lest you wonder whether your activism is making a difference…

Don Steinke has compiled this list of victories by Power Past Coal, Stand Up to Oil, and others:

1.   Boardman OR Coal Power – agreements to close in 2020, signed ~2009

2.       Kalama Coal Proposal – abandoned ~ 2009

3.       Centralia Coal Power Plant – agreements to gradually close, signed ~ 2011

4.       Bradwood Landing LNG Terminal ~2011 — gone

5.       Grays Harbor Coal withdrew application — 2012

6.       Warrenton Oregon LNG stopped 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, abandoned April 15, 2016 (a victory that belongs to Columbia Riverkeeper)

7.       Clatskanie Coal withdrew – 2013

8.       Coos Bay Coal – withdrew –2014

9.       Morrow Pacific Coal – rejected by Kitzhaber   — 2014

10.   Longview LNG – rejected 2015  by Port of Longview

11.   Portland Propane – rejected 2015

12.   “Shell pulls out of the Arctic after losing seven-billion dollars thanks to the bravery of kayactivist and bridge danglers putting their bodies on the line to block it. Thank you, Greenpeace and the local Portland-area community for standing up for the climate!”

13.   Longview Oil Refinery – rejected 2016

14.   Elected Eric LaBrant, Fred Felleman, and Zita to key Port Commissions

15.   Clatskanie crude by rail terminal – put out of business by competition, 2015

16.   Imperium Oil in Grays Harbor changing product — 2015

17.   Longview Propane Export  — rejected 2016

18.   Troutdale Natural Gas Power Plant – withdrew 2016 – Thank you Friends of the Columbia Gorge.

19.   Oregon Legislature voted to get off of coal based electricity by 2030.

20.   Jordon Cove Oregon LNG denied in 2016 but is re-applying

21.   U.S. Development changes plans – Grays Harbor

22.   Puget Sound Energy agrees to develop a plan to shut down Colstrip units 1 and 2.

23.   Children’s Trust Court win April 8, 2016*

24.   Northwest Innovation Works abandons Tacoma methanol proposal, April 2016

25.   The proposed Tongue River Railroad in Montana was denied by the Surface Transportation Board.  This victory was 24 years in the making.  It would have enabled more coal by rail.

26.   Gateway Pacific Coal Terminal near Bellingham rejected by the Army Corps in respect for the Lummi treaty rights.  This was HUGE.

27.   Williams Western Pipeline expansion project, abandoned by applicant because of #7

28.   Bans on new applications for crude oil facilities, Hoquiam, Vancouver.

29.   Shell Anacortes cancelled plans to build a crude by rail facility Oct 5, 2016

30.   Lighthouse Resources withdraws their proposal for the Morrow Pacific Terminal in Boardman Oregon.  (second victory for the same project)

31.   Wasco County rejected double-tracking through Mosier.

32.   We prevailed in court regarding coal dust.

33.   Vancouver, Hoquiam, and Portland ban future crude by rail facilities.

34.   Whatcom County Council issues moratoria on new fossil fuel terminals.

35.     The Army Corps stopped the Dakota Access Pipeline for two months, (The Army Corp General lives in Vancouver WA.  Reapproved by Trump. 

36.   Jordon Cove LNG denied again by FERC.  Dec 09, 2016 (reapproved by Trump)

37.   Longview Coal, lease denied.   Thank you Peter Goldmark, Jan 3, 2017

38.   Supreme Court of WA rules that the Ocean Resources Management Act applied to the oil terminals in Grays Harbor.  Thank you EarthJustice and the Quinault Nation.

39.   Gateway Pacific Terminals withdrew its application in Cherry Point Feb 09, 2017

40.   Stopped NuStar crude-by-rail, Vancouver, March 23, 2017

41.   Portland City Council resolution  — 2035 – fossil fuel free grid 2035, fossil fuel free transportation 2050.

42.   Giant Petronas LNG terminal in British Columbia Stopped  July 25, 2017

43.    Applications for two crude by rail facilities in Grays Harbor withdrawn  August 30, 2017

44.   Pipeline under Puget Sound, rejected by Republican Governor Spellman 1982

45.   Aurora LNG withdrew its application –citing market conditions Sept 15, 2017

46.   Kalama Methanol shoreline permits denied because they failed to evaluate off-site greenhouse gas emissions in the EIS.

And this one last week:

47.    Key permit denied for Longview coal terminal project Sept. 26, 2017.

Here are some comments from the Power Past Coal coalition:

“The state did the right thing today, standing up for clean water, public health, and the Pacific Northwest’s iconic endangered salmon runs,” stated Power Past Coal Co-Director Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky. “Washington State and the city of Longview deserve better than empty promises from the dying coal industry.”

“Today the State of Washington stood up for clean water. The state’s decision to protect the water on the Columbia also helps protect farm and ranch irrigators like me. In southeastern Montana, coal seams are aquifers. Mining more coal for export would further disrupt our watersheds and lead to more salty water discharged into the rivers and streams we rely on in agriculture. If we don’t have water, we don’t have anything,” said Miles City rancher and past Northern Plains Resource Council chair Mark Fix.

“We hope this decision moves our community away from coal and other fossil fuel based polluting industry on the Lower Columbia. It’s time to move on to the future; clean, sustainable family wage jobs that provide our area a reliable future so we can grow and attract more economic diversity and create the quality of life that maintains and enhances our families,” said Gary Wallace, president of Landowners and Citizens for a Safe Community,

“This denial reflects the will of the people. Thank you to Washington’s leaders for moving us away from dirty coal and towards a clean energy future.” said Joan Crooks, CEO of Washington Environmental Council and Washington Conservation Voters.

“We’re so pleased that permits for this dangerous project have been denied. Toxic diesel emissions, coal dust, and delayed emergency response threaten all of us, but especially young children, the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. Low-income and frontline neighborhoods would be hit hardest. As a cancer doctor, I’m acutely aware that, because of today’s decision, we can all breathe easier, ” said Dr. Stephen Chandler of Longview.

Power Past Coal is an ever-growing alliance of health, environmental, clean-energy, faith and community groups and businesses working to stop coal export off the West Coast.  @powerpastcoal